E-Bike and Mountainbike
Bike Tours in Pustertal Valley
E-bike rental at the hotel (€ 35,00 per Bike /day)
Mountainbikes free rental

Moarhof Alm in Hofern 1830 HM ½ day tour - round trip travel time approx. 2 ½ hours - 16 km Description: starting from the hotel on a mostly paved road to Hofern. After the village of Hofern, follow the signs and turn right in the direction of "Moarhof-Alm". Follow the paved road to the "Gelenke" car park, then continue on the wide forest path through the forest to the alpine pasture. Refreshment stop - no rest day Way back as way!

Reinbach Falls
To the Reinbach waterfalls near Campo Tures Half or full day tour - outward journey approx. 1 ½ hours - total 35 km Description: from the hotel on a paved road in the direction of the Pfalzen industrial zone via Greinwalden to St. Georgen. From there on the cycle path to Gais - Uttenheim - Bad Winkel/Kematen - follow the signs to the Reinbach waterfalls - to the waterfall bar; There is a place to stop for refreshments – no rest day Optional: Hike from the waterfall bar/car park up the Reinbach Falls via the Franziskusweg to the 3rd waterfall. Down to the valley with the Fly-Line! Way back as way! www.fly-line-wasserfall.eu

Lercher Alm Oberwielenbach
Lercher Alm (1650) – Oberwielenbach near Percha Half-day or full-day tour – outward journey approx. 1 ½ hours – total distance 38 km Description: from the hotel on a mostly paved road in the direction of the Pfalzen industrial zone via Greinwalden to St. Georgen - Aufhofen - Dietenheim - Luns - Percha. From there in the direction of Oberwielenbach to the P1 “Lercher Alm – Schönbichl” car park. From there via the initially steeply rising then leisurely forest path to the Lercher Alm. Refreshment stop - e-bike charging station Optional: On the way back from the car park, detour to the earth pyramids near Percha. Follow the signs and road "Erdpyramiden" Way back like way out www.lercheralm.com

To Lake Braies
Lake Braies (1496) Whole day tour – outward journey approx. 2 hours – tot. 70 km Description: from the hotel on a mostly paved road in the direction of the Pfalzen industrial zone - Greinwalden - in the direction of Bruneck - Stegen along the river in an easterly direction through the city - to the ice rink always follow the cycle path Percha - Olang - Monguelfo. There, at the crossroads in the direction of Pragser Tal/Pragser Wildsee, right into the valley to the lake. Possibility to stop for refreshments directly at the lake or Grünwaldalm 10 minutes to the southern end of the lake Way back as way

Astnerbergalm in Terenten 1640 HM Comfortable ½ day tour - 13.3 km one way Description: starting from the hotel on a mostly paved road in the direction of Terenten. Shortly before the village center in the large left-hand bend, we turn right into the Winnebachtal and follow the paved road to the parking lot of the Tiefrastenhütte. Then a wide forest path leads us to the Astnerbergalm. Refreshment possibility: Summer opening times: early May – late October Closing day: Tuesday (except July and August) Way back as way!

Round Kronplatz Valley to Olang
Whole day tour – outward journey approx. 1.5 hours – total approx. 45 km Description: from the hotel down to the sports zone in the direction of the district heating plant and there via the forest path in the direction of Fassing/Lothen. Continue in the direction of Sonnenburg, down St. Lorenzen, there we cross the main road - continue through the village in the direction of Stefansdorf - Reischach. In Reischach at the Hotel Royal Hinterhuber on the cycle path in the direction of Niederolang - through the village with Mitterolang. In Mitterolang direction Pustertaler Hauptstraße and there just before the crossroads "Dolomitenhof" left on the Pustertal bike path back towards Bruneck. In Bruneck through the town along the river to Stegen, from the Pfalzen/Stegen roundabout in the direction of Pfalzen along the main road for a bit, then turn left into the forest and follow the forest path to Pfalzen.